Igreja de Nha Santa Catarina (Church of Nha Santa Catarina)


Igreja de Nha Santa Catarina (Church of Nha Santa Catarina)

The Igreja Nha Santa Catarina is located in the council of Santa Catarina - island of Santiago in the locality of Cabeça Carreira, parish of Santa Catarina.

It is located in a cleaver standing out from the other residential dwellings, it has a very large visual impact from the main road, mainly due to its size and strategic location.

The Church ceased to be the mother church of the municipality of Santa Catarina around 2008, the council being made up of two parishes, the parish Nossa Senhora de Fátima, with a date celebrated on November 25th and the parish Nha Santa Catarina, with date celebrate on May 13th.

Due to the architectural features that the building displays, it is believed to be a 19th century construction. It was probably the first parish located in the county.

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