Church of Nossa Senhora da Luz


Church of Nossa Senhora da Luz

The Church, also known as Nossa Senhora do Rosário, is located at the highest point of the island – Monte Penoso.

According to reports, this place corresponds to the first human settlement, therefore, the oldest temple on the island. The date of its construction is not known for sure, however it is recalled that since the end of the 16th century there had already been a chaplain to officiate, and in 1796 the governor announced that this parish church was covered with straw and had a parish priest and a coadjutor.

In 1812 the bishop sent a report on the state of lack and ruin of the temples in Cabo Verde, and this church was included in the list of temples in need of repair. The religious building of Monte Penoso would later lose all its tools and vestments, including the image of Nossa Senhora do Rosário, which was transferred to the Chapel of Santo António in Porto Inglês.

Despite its relative longevity, the church remains functional, and mass is celebrated every Saturday. It is a simple rectangular church with a ceramic tile roof and is formed by a main nave with a cross on top and a wooden door

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