Axis IV of the Requalification, Rehabilitation and Accessibility Programme


Approved by the Council of Ministers on 20 June 2018, published by Decree-Law nº 44/2018, of 10 July, come into force the day after its publication, the Requalification, Rehabilitation and Accessibility Program – PRRA, (2018 -2020), is a program of the Government of the IX legislature that emerges as a driver of development and economic growth, in all the islands of Cabo Verde through the improvement of the “quality of local governance, spatial planning, the unification of the market through the transport system, the quality of urban and environmental organization of cities and localities that make them attractive places to live, reside, visit and invest”.

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The purpose of its establishment focuses essentially on:

  • “Encourage the requalification of the urban fabric, including the housing park and public space, and social and economic dynamics, contributing to the enhancement and development of more attractive, competitive, safer and environmentally more sustainable cities and towns;
  • Improve the quality and attractiveness of cities and localities in the prespective of urban, environmental, economic and cultural;
  • Create economic and social value through urban regeneration, rehabilitation and requalification;
  • Create centralities in cities as vital centres for boosting the local economy;
  • Improving the quality of life of families and communities;
  • Boost local economies (of councils and islands);
  • Stimulate the civil construction activity and create jobs during the intervention phase and employment opportunities after the works, resulting from the qualification of the cities and localities"

The areas of intervention:

"The interventions to be carried out within the scope of the PRRA are identified by the municipalities, as well as the definition of their priorities, always having as its main objective the promotion of the rehabilitation of existing housing, contributing to the urban requalification of neighbourhoods and urban centres, regeneration of the historical, cultural and religious heritage, requalification of the seafronts".

In this perspective, eight (8) axes of intervention were defined for the Requalification, Rehabilitation and Accessibility Programme, with the Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries, through the Cultural Heritage Institute, being responsible for the execution of axis IV - Rehabilitation of the Historical, Cultural and Religious Heritage.

Besides the execution and supervision of the rehabilitation works of the Historic, Cultural and Religious Buildings in all national territory, it is also the MCIC's responsibility, through the IPC, to maintenance, protection and safeguard of the rehabilitated heritage.

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