Palácio do Povo


Palácio do Povo

The construction of the Government Palacete or Casa do Estado Maior (General Staff House) was carried out in stages, and from 1858 to 1874 the ground floor was built. Governor Guedes Vaz called it the “casarão térreo” (ground floor mansion), as it was not sufficient for the performance of his duties.

Therefore, between 1928 and 1934 he ordered the construction of the upper floor and made some modifications, having the building acquired the current characteristics. With national independence, it became known as the Palácio do Povo (People's Palace). It was in this building that the “First Program of the Government of Cabo Verde” was presented by Commander Pedro Pires.

Outras Obras do Eixo IV PRRA

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Ponte Canal

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