Intangible Heritage

São João – São Nicolau


São João – São Nicolau

In São Nicolau, the festivities of Sanjon are concentrated in Praia Branca (municipality of Tarrafal). On the 23rd, the Macela Parade takes place in which, traditionally, people take sauces of this endemic plant to their heads to make the lighting fitting. But, today its harvest is prohibited, hence the bonfire is made with other materials. The day ends with a popular dance.

An important reference in the festivities is the luminary or bonfire of S. João that takes place on the night of 23 to 24 June. The wood for the bonfire is prepared and piled up early in the morning and as soon as it starts to get dark one begins to notice flashes in various parts of the localities where this practice is still cultivated. The higher it is, the greater the prestige of the person who sets it up.

As tradition dictates, the person must jump the luminary three times and at the end make a wish. They usually ask for a good year of rain, marriage, money, and good health.

As the saint's day approaches, a group of people duly appointed and guided by the parish priest organizes the religious ceremony, thinking about the smallest details, from the decoration of the church to the preparation of the saint.

On the 24th, after the religious ceremonies, the people attend the cultural sarau in the locality of Laja, with local groups. On the 25th, thousands of people participate in the traditional parade to Boca da Ribeira, with drummers and coladeiras, culminating with visit to the home of the saint.

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