Intangible Heritage

São João – Fogo


São João – Fogo

In the island of Fogo, the flag of São João is the second most celebrated in the city of São Filipe, after Nhu Sanfilipe. The preparations for the party begin a week before the day of S. João with the pilão for the preparation of corn for the lunch of the horsemen and guests. 

In addition to the going to the praia de Fonte Vila, which serves as a repertory for the agricultural year, on the eve of São João there is a bonfire or luminary, where people go to pay or make promises and other types of tirar sorte "take luck", using eggs, salt and so on. 

The night before the eve of S. João is dedicated to the "canisade", a genuinely Foguense cultural aspect. The night of "canisade" takes place after the covering and beautification (dressing) of the mast and the dinner that is offered by the party-goers. 

The “canisades” – comic figures, masked and disguised, begin the dance while still in the house of the revelers and then through the streets of the city of São Filipe towards the Mother Church to the praia de Fonte Vila, where the mast is wetted in three waves. The party continues on the beach from where the canisades return on Saturday morning to the party-goers' house. 

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