Monumentos e Sítios

Archaeological Heritage

Cabo Verdean legislation, Law No. 102/III/90, revoked by Law No. 85/IX/2020 of 20 April, classifies archaeological properties, whether immovable or movable, land or underwater, as national heritage.

 The same law defines archaeological work as "all research aimed at discovering archaeological properties, in the event that this research involves excavation of the soil or systematic exploration of its surface, as well as in the event that it is carried out on the bed or subsoil of inland or territorial waters.

The national heritage law classifies all historical finds and remains collected within the area of jurisdiction of Cabo Verdens State property, which is responsible for “preserving, defending and enhancing the cultural heritage of the Cabo Verdean people, incumbent upon them to create and promote the necessary conditions for that purpose”.

At international level, the preservation and enhancement of archaeological heritage is coordinated by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) through the Charter on the Protection and Management of Archaeological Heritage of 1990.

According to ICOMOS The "archaeological heritage is that part of the archaeological material from which archaeological methods provide primary information. It comprises all traces of human existence and consists of sites relating to all manifestations of human activity, abandoned structures, and remains of all kinds (including underground and underwater sites), as well as all transportable cultural materials associated with them."

Outros Pontos do Roteiro Turístico


Construído no limiar do século XVI, entre 1512 ou 1520, enquanto símbolo do poder municipal e da justiça real. Localizado no centro da cidade, local

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Outros Património Arqueológico

Archaeology Salamansa

Este relatório apresenta o principal resultado obtido das duas missões arqueológicas realizadas na ilha de São Vicente em 1998 e em 2005 com o apoio

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Outros Patrimónios


A lei cabo-verdiana classifica como monumento as obras arquitetónicas, composições importantes ou criações mais modestas, notáveis pelo interesse histórico, arqueológico, artístico, cientifico, técnico…

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Archaeological Heritage

A legislação cabo-verdiana, lei nº 102/III/90, revogado pela Lei nº 85/IX/2020, de 20 de abril, enquadra os bens arqueológicos imóveis ou móveis, terrestres…

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Historic Centres

Em 1976 saiu da conferência da UNESCO em Nairobi a definição do conjunto histórico urbano, que tenta conjugar a preservação da urbe com…

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Historic Sites

São classificados como sítios históricos, as obras do homem ou obras conjuntas do homem e da natureza, espaços suficientemente característicos e homogéneos, notáveis …

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