Usually accompanied by acoustic instruments such as the viola (guitar), cavaquinho, violin, piano and, more recently, percussion and bass, it is, however, the guitar, the instrument of excellence of the morna, allowing the running basses (called bordões) , the wide use of transition chords (halftone) and the favoring of the condoídas Txoradinhas (high and arpeggiated sounds).

This musical genre can be enjoyed in different situations and environments, taking place both indoors (bars, restaurants, etc.), where the famous “Cabo Verdean nights” take place, as well as in other relaxed environments, under the moonlight or smelling of perfume sea air. Regardless of the strong presence of the morna in certain rites of passage (Sete and Exéquias), it is also worth noting, on certain islands, the practice of serenata (serenade) in the open, under a window of a loved one, friend or loved one.

Recognizing the importance of gender for Cabo Verdeans, on February 27, 2018, the national magna house, established December 3 as the National Morna Day. The chosen date is a tribute to one of the most illustrious composers of Cabo Verde, Francisco Xavier da Cruz – B.Leza. An illustrious composer who left historical marks on the generation of Cabo Verdean musicians, from his time to the present.

The State of Cabo Verde, through the Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries, submitted to Unesco, in March 2018, the application process for morna to become Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

December 11, 2019, is marked in the history of the Cabo Verdean nation as the day of the consecration of Morna as a World Heritage. At the 14th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, in Bogotá, Colombia, Morna entered the UNESCO Representative List, appearing as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.