Monumentos e Sítios

Historic Center of Ribeira Brava

The vila of Ribeira Brava of São Nicolau, one of the oldest in Cabo Verde, was the first to be classified as a Historic Center, through Resolution nº 54/2010 of 18 October.

Established in 1731, it has a peculiar architectural style that characterises it and bears witness to the history and life of the inhabitants of the island, in particular, and of Cabo Verde, in general. This architecture is significant. With narrow streets, flanked by houses of ancient architecture, it demands of the visitors a moment of contemplation and also of admiration.

Its monuments are distinguished by their importance, art and beauty. Special mention should be made of the Mother Church of Nossa Senhora do Rosário (Our Lady of Rosary) the Seminary – Liceu building which was a beacon of culture in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Central School dating from 1947, the majestic bust of Dr Júlio José Dias that allowed his house to be transformed into the Seminary, and so many other heritage elements that enhance the island and Cabo Verde.

It should be noted that Vila da Ribeira Brava once lodged the headquarters of the Diocese and, from a cultural point of view, was a laboratory for the religious, academic and humanistic training of a host of important figures who, both in the pré-claridosa and in the claridosa and pós-claridosa, it helped to shape and interpret the Cabo Verdean soul and feeling, they helped in the training of the island's conscience, as well as in the «ideal of putting one's feet on the ground».

Due to its historical and patrimonial value, the Vila da Ribeira Brava is part of the pantheon of national heritage properties.

Galeria de Imagens


Outros Pontos do Roteiro Turístico


Construído no limiar do século XVI, entre 1512 ou 1520, enquanto símbolo do poder municipal e da justiça real. Localizado no centro da cidade, local

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Historic Centres

Em 1976 saiu da conferência da UNESCO em Nairobi a definição do conjunto histórico urbano, que tenta conjugar a preservação da urbe com…

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Outros Patrimónios


A lei cabo-verdiana classifica como monumento as obras arquitetónicas, composições importantes ou criações mais modestas, notáveis pelo interesse histórico, arqueológico, artístico, cientifico, técnico…

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Archaeological Heritage

A legislação cabo-verdiana, lei nº 102/III/90, revogado pela Lei nº 85/IX/2020, de 20 de abril, enquadra os bens arqueológicos imóveis ou móveis, terrestres…

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Historic Centres

Em 1976 saiu da conferência da UNESCO em Nairobi a definição do conjunto histórico urbano, que tenta conjugar a preservação da urbe com…

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Historic Sites

São classificados como sítios históricos, as obras do homem ou obras conjuntas do homem e da natureza, espaços suficientemente característicos e homogéneos, notáveis …

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