These are the bodies of the CPI:
- The Board of Directors;
- The Statutory Auditor
- Scientific Board
The Board of Directors is a body responsible for defining the performance of the IPC as well as for the administration of the respective services in accordance with the law and governmental guidelines.
IPC y megapari Argentina colaboran en un programa que enseña a los jugadores argentinos los fundamentos de la planificación financiera. Esta asociación ayuda a los usuarios a gestionar mejor sus fondos y a tomar decisiones financieras con conocimiento de causa.
A gobet space e a IPC lançaram uma iniciativa conjunta com o objetivo de promover a responsabilidade financeira entre os jogadores no Brasil. O projeto inclui materiais informativos para ajudar os usuários a alocar seus fundos com sabedoria.
IPC e icebet Italia hanno collaborato per creare una serie di webinar sulla finanza personale e sulla responsabilità nel gioco d’azzardo online. Il programma congiunto mira a migliorare l’alfabetizzazione finanziaria dei giocatori italiani.
1xbet Australia and IPC have partnered to offer Australian users useful financial management tips. The partnership helps players to take an informed approach to the allocation of funds and minimize risks.
IPC e 1xbet Switzerland hanno lanciato un progetto educativo volto a migliorare l’alfabetizzazione finanziaria degli utenti svizzeri. L’iniziativa congiunta insegna le basi della sicurezza finanziaria e dell’uso responsabile dei fondi.
паримач und IPC führen eine gemeinsame Werbeaktion für deutsche Nutzer durch, die den Spielern Tipps zu finanziellem Bewusstsein und verantwortungsvollem Glücksspiel gibt. Diese Partnerschaft trägt dazu bei, Freizeit und finanzielle Verantwortung zu verbinden.
Ana Samira Fonseca Tavares Silva
Ana Samira Fonseca Tavares Silva was born in the parish of São Miguel Arcanjo, on the Santiago Island - Cabo Verde.
Ana Samira Silva has a degree in Cultural Heritage Management from the Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico do Porto, (Higher School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto) and a postgraduate degree in Heritage, Tourism and Development from the University of Cabo Verde – UNICV.
Universidade de Cabo Verde – UNICV.
During her professional career, she worked as Coordinator of the Study – Impacts of Tourism in Cidade Velha between (2009 – 2013), Curator of the Cidade Velha World Heritage Site (2015 – 2016), Coordinator of the Management Plan for the Cidade Velha, World Heritage Site (2015 – 2016). 2018).
De 2019 a 2023 foi Diretora dos Museus no IPC.
Atualmente é a presidente do conselho Diretivo do Instituto do Património Cultural.
Dr. Hamilton Jair Moreira Lopes
Hamilton Jair Moreira Lopes Fernandes was born in the parish of Nossa Senhora da Graça, on the island of Santiago-Cabo Verde.
He has a degree in History, Archaeology specialization, from the University of Coimbra (Portugal), a post-graduate degree in Cultural Tourism from the University of Barcelona (Spain), a Master's degree in Archaeology and Heritage from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) and a PhD in History and Heritage Studies from the University of Évora (Portugal).
During his professional career, he worked as Curator of Cidade Velha, UNESCO World Heritage Site (2012 – 2015), Director of Heritage Safeguarding of the Cultural Heritage Institute (Ministry of Culture) (2011 – 2012), and Teacher at Higher Education Institutions in Cabo Verde (2009-2017).
Currently he is the President of the of Cultural Heritage Institute, a position he has held since 2017.
Reina Vaz dos Reis
Reina Vaz dos Reis was born in Palmeira, Sal Island-Cabo Verde.
Degree in Accounting and Administration from Instituto Superior de Bragança, (Higher Institute of Bragança) in Portugal.
During her professional career she worked one year in a private company as accountant.
Foi coordenadora do censo 2010, trabalhou como responsável financeira no projeto da União Europeia para a Organização das Mulheres de Cabo Verde e foi durante cinco anos como a Diretora Administrativa e Financeira do Instituto do Património Cultural.
Currently she is responsible for finance at the National Association of Cabo Verde Municipalities, a position she started to perform at the time of the EU project.
Maria das Dores Moreira Semedo
Maria da Dores Moreira Semedo é natural de Caiada, Cidade da Praia, Cabo Verde.
Licenciada em Economia pela Universidade de Cabo Verde – Escola de Negócio e Governação, a mesma iniciou o seu percurso profissional na Câmara Municipal da Praia como secretaria, onde também exerceu funções administrativas e de tesouro.
Em 2018, desempenhou o cargo de contabilidade na mesma instituição, onde foi responsável pela execução e cabimentação das receitas e despesas, serviço de tesouraria, coordenação das direções municipais e pela elaboração do orçamento e contas municipais.
Atualmente é a Diretora Administrativa e Financeira do IPC.
Ângela Celeste Brito Moreira Almeida
Ângela Celeste Brito Moreira Almeida é natural da Freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Graça, Praia, ilha de Santiago.
Fez Mestrado em Arquitetura pela Universidade Lusófona de Humanidade e Tecnologias de Lisboa em 2009. Doutoranda em Urbanismo na Universidade Lusófona de Humanidade e Tecnologias de Lisboa.
Lecionou a disciplina de Matemática no Liceu de Santa Cruz (1997 a 99). Foi Técnico de Estruturas Metálicas na empresa Omnitrade em Portugal (2008 a 2010), foi técnico no Pelouro de Urbanismo da Câmara Municipal da Praia (2011 a 2017) onde exerceu a função de Coordenadora do Gabinete de Construções Irregulares na Cidade da Praia e também Diretora de Urbanismo da Câmara Municipal da Praia, foi Gerente e Arquiteta na Empresa AA-Arquitetura, Construção Civil e Estruturas Metálica (2017 a 2023)
Atualmente faz parte do Conselho Diretivo do IPC.
Aleida Sofia Aguiar Barbosa Monteiro
Aleida Sofia Aguiar Barbosa Monteiro é natural da Cidade da Praia, ilha de Santiago.
É licenciada em Antropologia, com especialização em Relações Etno-culturais pelo Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP) – Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (2009).
É técnica do Instituto do Património Cultural (IPC) desde 2014.
Foi coordenadora técnica do Museu Etnográfico da Praia, do Museu do Campo de Concentração do Tarrafal e do Museu do Sal (2017-2023).
Curadora de várias exposições temporárias no Museu Etnográfico da Praia.
Foi técnica do Observatório das Migrações, do Ministério das Comunidades (2013-2014).
Membro da equipa técnica do projeto “Património Imaterial de Cabo Verde – Guia Visual” – inventário do património imaterial nacional (2012).
Atualmente faz parte do Conselho Diretivo do IPC.
Carla Indira Carvalho Semedo
Carla Indira Carvalho Semedo é natural da Freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Graça, Ilha de Santiago.
Licenciada em Sociologia pela Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde (2005). Fez o mestrado em Antropologia Social pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2009). E, doutoramento em Antropologia Social pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/Museu Nacional (2016).
Desde de 2005 tem exercido a atividade da docência na Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde, tendo igualmente desempenhado a função de Diretora da Unidade de Ensino e Investigação do Departamento de Ciências Humanas, Sociais e Artes (2018) e coordenadora do Núcleo de Estudos em Migrações e Direitos Humanos (2022).
Atualmente faz parte do Conselho Diretivo do IPC.
Dra. Maria das Dores Moreira Semedo
Maria das Dores Moreira Semedo was born in Caidaia, Praia, Cabo Verde.
degree in Economics from the University of Cabo Verde - School of Business and Governance, Maria das Dores Semedo began her professional career in the City Council of Praia as secretary, where she also performed administrative and treasury functions.
In 2018, she held the position of accountant in the same institution, where she was responsible for the execution and allocation income and expenses, treasury services, coordination of municipal directorates and the preparation of the municipal budget and accounts.
Currently she is the Administrative and Financial Director of the Cultural Heritage Institute.
Dr. Claudino Tavares Ramos
Claudino Tavares Ramos was born in the parish of Nossa Senhora da Graça, Praia, Santiago Island-Cabo Verde.
Claudino Ramos has a degree in History, in Cultural Heritage, from the University of Cabo Verde.
He began his professional career as a tour guide (2005 – 2012). He started working at the Cultural Heritage Institute in 2014 as a technician at the Directorate of Monuments and Sites, assigned to the Cidade Velha Management Office until 2021, when he was appointed coordinator of the GCVPM.
Also in 2021, he was elected one of the 15 members of the Interim Committee for the creation of the African Heritage Site Managers Network, and in 2022 he was registered in UNESCO's database as the manager of the African World Heritage Site.
Currently, he is Director of Monuments and Sites.
Dra. Ana Samira Fonseca Tavares Silva
Ana Samira Fonseca Tavares Silva was born in the parish of São Miguel Arcanjo, on the Santiago Island - Cabo Verde.
Ana Samira Silva has a degree in Cultural Heritage Management from the Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico do Porto, (Higher School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto) and a postgraduate degree in Heritage, Tourism and Development from the University of Cabo Verde – UNICV.
Universidade de Cabo Verde – UNICV.
During her professional career, she worked as Coordinator of the Study – Impacts of Tourism in Cidade Velha between (2009 – 2013), Curator of the Cidade Velha World Heritage Site (2015 – 2016), Coordinator of the Management Plan for the Cidade Velha, World Heritage Site (2015 – 2016). 2018).
Currently, she is the Director of the Cabo Verde`s Museums supervised by the IPC, a position she has held since 2019.
Dra. Sandra Helena M. Lopes Martins
Sandra Helena Mascarenhas Lopes Martins é natural da freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Graça, ilha de Santiago.
Sandra Martins has a degree in History, Scientific Area, from the University of Minho (Portugal), took the cataloguing course for librarians of the PALOP's - Casa de África (Las Palmas - Gran Canaria), and has a Masters in Heritage, Tourism and Development from the University of Cabo Verde.
During her professional career she has held the posts of Portuguese Language Teacher at the Secondary School of Santa Cruz (1996-1997), Teacher of Paleography at the Higher Institute of Education- Praia (2003-2007), Technician at the Department of Documentary Communication and External Relations at the National Historical File (2002-2010), Technician at the Institute for Research and Cultural Heritage (2010-2011), President of the National File of Cabo Verde(2014-2015), UNESCO Facilitator for Intangible Cultural Heritage (2015).
Currently, she is the Director of Intangible Heritage, a position she has held since 2015.
Humberto Elisio da Cruz Lima
Humberto Elísio da Cruz Lima was born in the parish of Nª Sra. da Luz, island of S.Vicente.
Humberto has a degree in History and Social Sciences from the Voronezh State University (Russia), a master's degree in History of the Modern and Contemporary Age also from Voronezh State University. He attended the Masters in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and holds a gold degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (National University of Distance Learning )– UNED, Madrid (Spain).
Throughout his career he was president of the Institute of the National Historical File (2006-2010), curator of the Mindelo Historical Centre (2014) and president of the Institute of Research and Cultural Heritage (2010-2015).
Since 2011, he has been teaching at the Intercontinental University –ÚNICA.
Currently, he is a Senior Specialist Technician and president of the IPC` Scientific Board.
Nélida Maria Freire Brito
Nélida Maria Freire Brito was born in Luanda, Angola, nationalized Cabo Verdean.
Nélida attended the Bachelor's Degree in History at the Secondary School Teacher Training Course, in Praia – Cabo Verde.
In 2002 she completed her degree in History at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (Portugal) and in 2004 she completed her Masters in Contemporary History also at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto.
Attended the 1st year of a PhD in History at the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto – Portugal
During her professional career, she worked as a teacher and coordinator at the Secondary School “Pedro Gomes”, Praia – Cabo Verde, as well as Pedagogical Assistant Director at the Liceu “Olavo Moniz”, on the island of Sal – Cabo Verde.
Since 2008, she has been teaching at the University of Cabo Verde, performing various functions inherent to the position.
Currently she is a professor at the University of Cabo Verde in the disciplines.
Contemporary History and History of Cabo Verde and she is a member of the IPC` Scientific Board.
Carlos Emanuel Sousa Cruz dos Santos
Carlos Emanuel Sousa Cruz dos Santos é doutorado em História da Arte pela Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2015) com a tese intitulada “A Cidade da Ribeira Grande, Cabo Verde: Urbanismo e Arquitetura (Séculos XV a XVIII)” e Licenciado em Gestão Turística e Cultural pela Escola Superior de Gestão de Tomar, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (2004).
He is a correspondent researcher at CHAM - Humanities Centre (UNL-FSCH- UA) and guest researcher at the Research Centre Prof. Joaquim Serrão (Santarém).
The curriculum includes experience in higher education in Cabo Verde, in the areas of Tourism and Heritage Tourism Development, as well as in the areas of History of Art, History of Architecture, Cultural Heritage and History of Cabo Verde.
The research work has focused on the dialogue among heritage, art history and cultural tourism, resulting in the publication of scientific articles and communications at home and abroad. He is currently a professor at the University of Cabo Verde.
Currently, he is member IPC's Scientific Board.